Dr. Lyn Gettys: Extension:
Aquatic and Wetland Plants
My extension program provides educational leadership and support to clientele, with a special focus on Florida’s pesticide applicators. As part of this effort, programming is provided to holders of a restricted-use pesticide applicator license issued by the state of Florida and to individuals who wish to become certified. Programming is offered through a variety of venues, including events offered by county Extension offices, state and local professional associations and organizations and private industry. Training targeted for certified applicators qualifies for continuing education units (CEUs), which are required to keep the license current, while programs for those wanting to become certified includes information needed to successfully pass the exams required for licensing. Topics covered for all types of stakeholders include aquatic plant identification, proper pesticide use, integrated pest management, invasion pathways and herbicide resistance in aquatic plants. I also provide educational programming for homeowner associations, golf courses, garden clubs and other interested parties and offer one-on-one assistance for individuals with questions about plant identification, propagation and control.
Associate Professor
3205 College Avenue - Room 134
Davie, FL 33314
Phone: 954-577-6331
Edis Publications
- American Lotus, Yellow Lotus: Nelumbo lutea
- Biology and Management of Graceful Sandmat (Chamaesyce hypericifolia) in Ornamental Crop Production
- Constructing Weighted Trailing Hoses for Submersed Aquatic Herbicide Applications
- East Indian Hygrophila: Hygrophila polysperma (Roxb.) T. Anderson
- Golden Canna: Canna flaccida
- Hydrilla: Florida's Worst Submersed Weed
- Hydrilla Management in Florida Lakes
- Lemon Bacopa: Bacopa caroliniana
- Lost in the Weeds?: A Comprehensive Guide to Florida's Many Non-Native Plant Lists
- Native Aquatic and Wetland Plants: Arrow Arum, Peltandra virginica
- Native Aquatic and Wetland Plants: Blue-Eyed Grass, Sisyrinchium angustifolium
- Native Aquatic and Wetland Plants: Cardinal Flower, Lobelia cardinalis
- Native Aquatic and Wetland Plants: Duck Potato, Sagittaria lancifolia
- Rotala: A New Aquatic Invader in Southern Florida
- Skyflower: Hydrolea corymbosa
- Tapegrass, Eelgrass, or Wild Celery (Vallisneria americana Michaux): A Native Aquatic and Wetland Plant
- Waterhyacinth: Florida's Worst Floating Weed